For Immediate Release: November 9th, 2013
Todd Steiner,
Gandoca, Costa Rica — In an emotional reunion, Todd Steiner, Executive Director of Turtle Island Restoration Network, delivered a check for over $14,000 US to the family of Jairo Mora Sandoval, the sea turtle conservationist murdered earlier this year while protecting a nesting sea turtles on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica.
The funds were collected from some of the 150,000 individuals and organizations that signed a petition demanding justice for the murder of Jairo.
“It was an honor to meet Jairo’s family and express the world’s sadness and outrage over his murder. We won’t rest until the perpetrators of this horrendous crime are convicted, and mechanisms are put in place to assure this never happens again, said Steiner.
Turtle Island Restoration Network ( is an international environmental organization with headquarteres in California, USA. The mission of is to take swift and decisive action to protect and restore marine and aquatic species and their habitats, and to inspire people in communities all over the world to join us as active and vocal advocates.
For more information on death of Jairo Mora Sandoval, see: