Turtle Island Restoration Network is leading the charge to phase out deadly driftnets. More than 250 scientists and more than 30 organizations representing 1 million members have joined us. Together we represent a strong range of interests and organizations from scientific marine researchers like Dr. Sylvia Earle, an American marine biologist, explorer, author, lecturer and National Geographic explorer-in-residence to fellow non-profit organizations like Defenders of Wildlife.

We are calling for action at all levels.


Turtle Island members protesting the use of driftnets in Sacramento, CA at the site of the Pacific Fisheries Management Council.

Our members are informed and  making phone calls to their representatives, and sending in petitions. We have over 25,000 signatures!

Our fellow scientists have looked at the research and are in agreement – driftnets wreck havoc on California’s marine wildlife and need to be phased out.

Our coalition of over 30 organizations is working to make sure decision makers have the facts about the true cost of driftnets, and advocating for marine wildlife.

Andy Murch/Elasmodiver.com/Marine Photobank

One of many sharks and rays dragged from the depths while accompanying artisanal gillnetters aboard a halibut fishing boat. Only one halibut (the intended catch) was captured during an entire day at sea. Andy Murch/Elasmodiver.com/Marine Photobank


The time to phase out this deadly fishery is now. We cannot afford to wait a moment longer.