Ministry of Environment scolded for delaying the process Costa Rica’s supreme court ordered the Environmental and Energy Ministry (MINAE) to initiate steps for the expropriation of private lands within Las…
Last May 1st, the US government announced that it had certified 40 nations as meeting the requirements set by Section 609 of PL 101-162 for continued importation of shrimp into…
Saving beaches alone won’t save the leatherbacks — longline fishing must be restricted, says Randall Arauz. See the story. Download the PDF http___news.nationalgeographic.com_news_pf_63920637.pdf
Things are still looking good for the Kemp’s ridley nesting season on Texas beaches. As of today (May 7), 48 nests have been found compared with 28 a year ago….
magine a 40-mile trap line strung out across the landscape like the telephone wires and power lines that crisscross the forests and deserts of your country. Every 250 feet or…
I was recently invited by the AVINA Foundation, to visit Brazil and share my marine conservation experiences with local scientists and activists. During my stay (April 21 -28) I met…