New Wheatstone and Gorgon projects fail to protect endangered species Chevron’s New Wheatstone LNG Plant and Pipeline Will Destroy Whale, Turtle and Dugong Habitat and Generate Vast Carbon Emissions Chevron…
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A recent episode of the national show Good Morning America featured an interview with Dr. Belisa Vranich who mentioned the calculator as an excellent resource to gauge your mercury…
Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senators Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein (both D-CA) today praised the Senate Commerce Committee’s passage of the Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank National Marine…
Photo: An environmental protestor waves an Aboriginal flag atop a camel next to a grader that has been blockaded from reaching James Price Point. (ABC Local: Ben Collins) Protesters have…
June 3, 2011 – Shrimpers refuse to use gear that releases sea turtles alive Costa Rican shrimp exports to the United States will continue to be embargoed, according to Public…
Action to prepare for a lawsuit to stop the record number of dead sea turtles stranding on Gulf of Mexico beaches gained headlines in media outlets across the Gulf this…