Files Objection with Marine Stewardship Council Over Proposed Certification Ocean conservationists at filed an objection to the eco-labeling of a Florida longline fishery for swordfish by the Marine…
August 15, 2011 was Shark Day at the Capitol Building in Sacramento, California. Representing the Turtle Island Restoration Network as a new intern, I joined supporters of the bill to…
The press conference held by Bay Area conservation and community groups helped us send a strong message to the City of San Francisco: We love the Bay and the America’s…

Marin County Civic Center (August 10, 2011)–Today Superior Court Judge Lynn Duryee ruled that a handful of landowners, cannot hijack SPAWN’s lawsuit to protect coho salmon by having the case thrown out of court. The landowners intervened into the suit solely to prevent the court from hearing the merits ofSPAWN’s California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) claims. Even the County agreed with SPAWN that the court should hear and resolve the lawsuit.
AC Environmental Council Holds Press Conference at City Hall, Thursday, August 11, 10:00 am Planning Commission Public Hearing on America’s Cup, Noon, City Hall Room 400 See some of our…
Health News Coverage of High Mercury in Sushi and Supermarket Fish Generates Recognition for of Marin SAN FRANCISCO— On Saturday, August 6, NBC 4-KTTV in Los Angeles won the…
Health News Coverage of High Mercury in Sushi and Supermarket Fish Generates Recognition for of Marin