According to several news sources, including and Inside Climate News, President Trump has named Jeffrey Bossert Clark, the lawyer who represented British Petroleum in our nation’s worst oil spill, the 2010 Deepwater Horizon…
Turtle Island Restoration Network is proud to report that SPAWN volunteer, Mel Wright, is the winner of the 2016 Edie Robinson Community Service Award (ERCSA) for his positive achievement, devotion…
Do you know what Ocean Acidification is? Scientists are raising concern for the future of our oceans. Oceans absorbing atmospheric carbon is causing ocean acidification, or the acidification of ocean water. How do you think this will impact all of our favorite ocean species?
The Marin Independent Journal published a Marin Voice by Deborah A. Sivas, a Luke W. Cole Professor of Environmental Law at Stanford University, and Todd Steiner, executive director of Turtle Island Restoration Network.
Congratulations! You are bound for Cocos Island, Costa Rica, one the world’s premiere dive sites to view ocean wildlife. You are joining Turtle Island Restoration Network for an exclusive opportunity…
Learn about why we need to protect the Northeast Canyons & Seamounts Marine National Monument.
“I’m going to double my efforts,” said Mel Wright, a volunteer at Salmon Protection And Watershed Network (SPAWN), referring to President Trumps intention to leave the Paris Climate Accord.
This blog post was written by Diego Jimenez “Come gather round people Wherever you roam And admit that the waters Around you have grown…” – from ‘The Times They Are…