Audrey Fusco is the SPAWN Program Director for the Salmon Protection and Watershed Network (SPAWN). Audrey is passionate about ecological conservation and restoration of habitat for wildlife. She works with all aspects of revegetation for SPAWN’s riparian restoration projects, from collecting seeds to grow the native plants used at restoration project sites to plant propagation to out planting. She focuses on restoring habitat for all of the wildlife that use riparian corridors, including pollinators such as the endangered Western monarch butterfly. In addition to working with riparian restoration, Audrey grows plants with local partner schools and helps schools in Marin County create habitat gardens on their school grounds.

She holds an M.A. in Geography from the University of Kansas and has a diverse background of experiences which include working with climate change research projects, researching agroecokogy in Cuba, volunteering with a native plant nursery in the Galapagos Islands, and working with creek restoration at Green Gulch Farm (Marin County).