Proposed Safeway brochure will not protect customers San Francisco, CA –This week’s announcement in Supermarket News that Safeway will offer a mercury-warning brochure to customers is being cautiously welcomed by…

Film screening and discussion with Dr. Jim Spotila and Robert Ovetz, PhD of the Sea Turtle Restoration Project Wednesday, June 8, 7:30 pm, (World Ocean Day) Patagonia 101 Wooster Street,…

New York – May 31, 2005 – On the eve of a critical United Nations meeting to discuss actions to protect the world’s oceans from overfishing, a letter signed by more than 1,000 international scientists calling for decisive action has been delivered to the international body. Recent scientific reports have linked industrial fishing, such as longlining, to the decline of sea turtles and other marine species, and have offered marine protected areas as a potential solution. During the UN meeting which begins June 10, Costa Rica will be proposing a plan of action that offers sustainable use marine protected areas as a part of a comprehensive solution for the world’s oceans.

On Monday, June 6th, the new report Striplining the Pacific: The Case for A United Nations Moratorium on High Seas Industrial Longline Fishing will be released at the United Nations Law of the Sea meeting June 6-10th. The new book length report echoes the sentiment of Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin’s call on May 1st to end the “pillage” and “rape” of the ocean at an international fisheries conference this week.

Hear STRP’s Robert Ovetz NPR provides a critical report on the new circle hooks that are being used to justify removing protections for sea turtles from dangerous longline fishing.
Recommendations directly contradict Mercury Advisory San Francisco, CA – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released its new food pyramid earlier this week, with recommendations that included the consumption of…
Interview with Andy Peri Click and listen to this interview with Andy Peri, campaigner with Turtle Island Restoration Network’s Mercury Awareness Cmpaign, regarding mercury in seafood and the TIRN’s mercury calculator…

Come and join Turtle Island Restoration Network in a series of film screening during Earth Week 2005. Below is a listing of the events: Friday, April 22nd at 7:30 PM-…

At least 250 sea turtle fans gathered at Galveston’s first Sea Turtle Saturday, April 9, and spoke up for a marine reserve in state waters at the Padre Island National Seashore, support for the sea turtle program at the NOAA facility in Galveston and against longline fishing which is killing millions of sea birds, marine mammals, fish and leatherback sea turtles in the world’s oceans.

Galveston celebrates sea turtles! The Mayor of Galveston and the City Council have proclaimed Saturday, April 9, as Sea Turtle Saturday when an educational day is set at Texas A&M…