For Immediate Release, October 23, 2020 Contact: Mariano Castro, Legal & Policy Analyst, mcastro@seaturtles.org Costa Rica Approves Controversial Bill to Resume Trawl Fishing Decision Threatens Endangered Marine Species, Critical Habitat,…
For Immediate Release, October 23, 2020 Contact: Mariano Castro, Legal & Policy Analyst, mcastro@seaturtles.org Costa Rica Approves Controversial Bill to Resume Trawl Fishing Decision Threatens Endangered Marine Species, Critical Habitat,…
For Immediate Release, October 21, 2020 Contact: Joanie Steinhaus, Gulf Program Director, joanie@seaturtles.org Lawsuit Challenges Inadequate Federal Review of Endangered Species in Gulf of Mexico Agency ignores Deepwater Horizon tragedy,…
For Immediate Release, August 28, 2020 Contact: Brett Loveman, Mission Blue, bloveman@missionblue.org Todd Steiner, Turtle Island Restoration Network, tsteiner@seaturtles.org Environmental Groups Urge Costa Rica and Ecuador to Create World’s First…
Written by Mariano Castro, Policy & Advocacy Analyst for Latin America The Galapagos Archipelago is a World Heritage Site that inspired the work of the naturalist Charles Darwin. The waters…
For Immediate Release, July 24, 2020 Contact: Annalisa Batanides Tuel, Turtle Island Restoration Network, atuel@seaturtles.org Senate Passes Bill to Protect Sea Turtles, Whales, Dolphins from Drift Gillnets Bans large mesh…
Turtle Island Restoration Network submitted a letter to the Legislative Assembly of the Republic of Costa Rica to support a bill that would return wildlife status to sharks in Costa…
For Immediate Release, June 8, 2020 Contacts: Joanie Steinhaus, Turtle Island Restoration Network, joanie@seaturtles.org Anna Farrell-Sherman, Environment Texas, afarrell-sherman@environmenttexas.org Lacey McCormick, National Wildlife Federation, mccormick@nwf.org Proposed Rule Could Triple Size…
Contact: Brett Loveman, Director of Communications Mission Blue bloveman@mission-blue.org Todd Steiner, Founder and Executive Director Turtle Island Restoration Network tsteiner@seaturtles.org World’s First Marine Migratory Species Hope Spot Declared Between Cocos…
Contacto: Brett Loveman, Director de Comunicaciones Mission Blue bloveman@mission-blue.org Todd Steiner, Fundador y Director Ejecutivo Turtle Island Restoration Network tsteiner@seaturtles.org La primera área protegida marina binacional del mundo gana impulso…