California Coastal Commission Extends Deadline on Marin County’s Proposed Local Coastal Program

Turtle Island Restoration Network asked you to take action and tell the California Coastal Commission that the public needs more time to consider the proposed amendment to Marin’s Local Coastal Plan. The response was overwhelming, and heard by commissioners who on August 11th decided to extend the deadline for action on Marin County’s proposed Local Coastal Program!

The Local Coastal Program is an important planning tool used by local governments to guide development along our coast; establish the ground rules and govern decisions for future development and protection of coastal resources; and specify appropriate location, type, and scale of new or changed uses of land and water. The proposed update is one of the first in 35 years, and is deserving of time and attention.

Now, thanks to your action, Marin County residents will have more time read, understand, and comment on the amended plan.

The next opportunity for public participation will be at an upcoming meeting scheduled for September 26th. Our Policy Director Cassie Burdyshaw will keep you updated on how you can get involved as the proposed plan is considered