Turtle Island Restoration Network recognizes that we cannot protect the oceans and marine wildlife by ourselves.

We count on numerous caring people to join us in winning better protections for our oceans and coasts.

Today we highlight a volunteer in the Gulf of Mexico – Donna Romeyn!

  1. Why is the Gulf of Mexico important to you?

Growing up on the Texas Gulf Coast, I was introduced to the Gulf of Mexico at an early age.  It started with my grandfather and parents owning homes along the Gulf Coast, so I was raised to enjoy and respect the ocean and all of its sea life.  After 40 years of being here, I have seen a lot of good and bad things impacting the ocean, so I have dedicated my extra time doing anything possible to protect the gulf and all of its beauty.

  1. How do you volunteer with Turtle Island?

I have been volunteering now for close to 3 years and it started by doing turtle patrol on a weekly bases during nesting season.  This turned into helping Turtle Island Restoration Network with special events and educating both locals and visitors.  I also maintain several monofilament fishing line tubes, which helps keep the line out of the waters and on the beaches.

  1. What do you like most about the nest patrols?

Being able to have the opportunity to help protect the Kemp Riddle sea turtles and their eggs, so they can eventually be taking off the endangered species list. Last year I had the opportunity to transport 135 eggs off the beach using my jeep which was a very special and exciting experience.

  1. Will you take the Bring the Bag challenge on Earth day?

Yes and I will also talk to our friends and neighbors about the challenge.  To help this great cause, we started a website called Your Footprints Only (www.yourfootprintsonly.com) which brings awareness and helps educate people what the impact plastic has on our beaches, ocean and its sea life.