Turtle Island Restoration Network recognizes that we cannot protect the oceans and marine wildlife by ourselves.
We count on numerous caring people to join us in winning better protections for our oceans and coasts.
Today we highlight a volunteer in the Gulf of Mexico.
- Why do you care about the Gulf of Mexico?The Gulf of Mexico is my history, my home and my future. She entertains me on her beaches and bays. She feeds me healthy and delicious food- Gulf fishes, crabs and oysters. She delights me with her beauty and challenges me with her winds and waves. She connects me with the world.
- How do you volunteer with Turtle Island?I volunteer with Turtle Island to protect the habitat of the Gulf by
collecting and recycling discarded fishing line from sites on Galveston’s popular fishing piers and beaches. I also volunteer by picking up trash on our beaches and bays. My goal is to increase the public participation in the care and protection of our natural resources. I join hundreds of other volunteers along the Gulf Coast looking for nesting Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtles. - Will you take the Bring the Bag challenge on Earth Day and bring your reusable bag when you shop?I will take the Bring the Bag Challenge on Earth Day!