Turtle Island Restoration Network recognizes that we cannot protect the oceans and marine wildlife by ourselves.

We count on numerous caring people to join us in winning better protections for our oceans and coasts.

Over the next several weeks, we will be highlighting a few of those individuals who are stepping up to the plate to help us win a phase-out of the deadly California driftnet fishery by educating the public and gathering signatures in support of the phase out.

Erin Politz

Today, we will be celebrating Erin Politz, a member of the Kurmalliance.


Why are the oceans important to you?

I was born and raised in Los Angeles, in a beach community, very close to the ocean.  I would spend many hours at the beach enjoying the sun, sand and waves. It was my and nature’s play ground. At the ocean I am instantly relaxed. I love going out to sea on a boat and find peace when there is nothing around me but the sounds of the ocean and the fresh air. The ocean provides a respite away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The ocean also supports life in and out of it, so if the ocean doesn’t survive, neither do we.

Why are you personally gathering signatures?

I am a mother of two boys ages 13 and 11.  I want to do everything that I can to make sure we leave a healthy ocean for them.  They should not be cheated out of the opportunity to experience the ocean and ocean creatures in all of their splendor.  Gathering these signatures is not difficult, and it raises awareness and will positively impact the health of our oceans. I also love educating people about this cause because once they are aware, they want to get involved. What a simple way to make a huge impact!

What’s the best reaction you’ve gotten from a signer?

The best quote that I have heard is,  “I had no idea this was going on.” Most people do not even know driftnet fishing exists. Once you explain to them how it works and the horrible consequences of the practice, they are appalled. I did not have one person refuse to sign.

Anything else you want to add?

I just want to add that I love being a part of this community. Doing things to create positive change is very rewarding. Creating positive change surrounded by Kurmalliance and other like minded organizations inspires me and makes the work a lot more fun.