October is California Redwoods Month! Extending from Southern Oregon to Central California, this impressive species includes the tallest living trees on the planet. Here at SPAWN, you can also get involved with helping save these amazing trees.

Here are three ways you can celebrate California Redwoods Month!

1. Adopt a Redwood Tree

You can take action and help SPAWN plant 10,000 redwoods by adopting a redwood tree. Your adoption will help restore habitat where ancient redwood forests grew, helping protect this ancient species. All redwood trees are grown by staff, interns, and volunteers of SPAWN from locally collected seeds at our native plant nursery in Northern California. Each adoption also comes with an extra gift to you.

2. Grow a Redwood Tree from Seed

You can plant your own redwoods too! To grow healthy redwoods, it is best to create conditions that are similar to the forest understory where redwood seedlings would naturally grow. SPAWN has created a guide to help you through the process, from collecting seeds all the way through the process of outplanting them years later.

3. Volunteer to Help Grow Redwoods

Every Tuesday and Friday, SPAWN hosts Native Plant Volunteer Days, where anyone can get hands-on experience with native plants and help take care of multiple species. You can help with planting seeds, transplanting seedlings, and more. At our Volunteer Days, you can learn through dividing and propagating plants, learning proper potting techniques, and/or helping with seasonal nursery maintenance.