Oprah’s Australian shows are now airing and everyone is going ga-ga for the wonders of Down Under! But not all is well in Oz! We need Oprah and her fans to help Save the Kimberley.
Oprah never made it to the red rock country in the remote Northwest, but the town of Broome and the huge expanse of this wild and sacred land is a major destination for adventurers from around the world. Not to mention it is one of the world’s last untouched havens for sea turtles, whales and rare corals and undiscovered marine life.
Please go on Oprah’s Facebook page and post a short comment to Save the Kimberley, even if it gets taken down. Then go to her website and submit a comment through a form asking her to help Save the Kimberley and link to our action alert.
Ask Costa Rica to Protect the Cocos-Galapagos Swimway