The Cove enviro-thriller is mobilizing people around the world to call for the end to the slaughter of 23,000 dolphins every year in a hidden cove in Taiji, Japan. Nearly 20,000 people have written to President Obama to help stop the barbaric killing. The ocean documentary is also galvanizing fish-and-sushi eaters to change the seafood they eat because of mercury. After seeing The Cove at the GotMercury opening event at the Rafael Theater in Marin County, CA, one of our supporters emailed her friends that she “just heard a local Marin doctor speak on this topic. This info has changed my diet.”
The doctor was Dr. Jane Hightower, who entertained numerous questions at the GotMercury Cove reception during a Q & A at nearby Sabor of Spain (which served up a fabulous vegan feast for 80 of us). Dr. Hightower has seen The Cove three times and had just returned from the New York screening where she was flown in specifically to answer questions about mercury. Her thoughts on the movie and mercury were just posted on the website. The author of Diagnosis Mercury (several copies of which were swooped up at the reception by interested supporters), Dr. Hightower appeared in New York with actor Ben Stiller and Congressman Robert Kennedy Jr. iwho are helping spread the word about The Cove and the problems with mercury in fish.
At our reception, she said, “The FDA is becoming obsolete as people are able to estimate their own mercury levels in fish using the calculator and getting tested.” We can’t agree more!
GotMercury is now testing children and adults for mercury using hair testing for a future report. If you would like to have your family tested using a GotMercury test kit for $25, please contact Gotmercury at or or place an order online.