Turtle Island Restoration Network is holding a benefit picnic and barbecue on Sunday October 22, 2006 from 2-6 pm among the beautiful redwoods of West Marin. Come relax by the creek to benefit Turtle Island’s projects: SPAWN, the Sea Turtle Restoration Project, and GotMercury.org! Enjoy a tasty barbecue, guided creekwalks, live music, raffle with great prizes, children’s activities and good company. Proceeds benefit our programs to protect endangered sea turtles and coho salmon and the environment they – and we – rely on.
Location: Samuel P. Taylor State Park, in the Redwood Grove, off Sir Francis Drake Road, two miles west of Lagunitas, Marin County.
Ticket prices: Adults $16 advance/$20 on the day; kids $8 advance/$10 on the day; family of 4 $40/$45 on the day (family ticket includes membership and 2 raffle tickets).
Call Maeve Murphy at 415-488-0370 ext. 108 or email maeve@seaturtles.org for tickets or more information.