From Executive Director Todd Steiner:

To our conservation family:

​I’d like to extend my deepest wishes that you are doing well and have not been negatively impacted by the ongoing spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus).

Turtle Island Restoration Network is actively monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic and is taking precautions in order to minimize the risk of transmission.

We’re prioritizing the health of our volunteers, activists, staff and entire community:

  • We’re requiring all staff and volunteers to work from home between now and March 31.
  • We are cancelling all planned events of any size for the next month, including all volunteer days, beach cleanups, and public meetings.

But that doesn’t mean we’re stopping our fight to protect the environment.

Please know that, in spite of these current events, our organization is forging ahead every day with all-hands-on-deck efforts to give our oceans, watersheds, and their incredible inhabitants the best chance for survival.

We are also thinking of you and your community and appreciate the role we have in your lives.

In the meantime, please feel free to visit us via our website, and to engage with us through social channels, where we’ll continue to inform, educate, and inspire you to protect our blue-green planet.

Thank you for your ongoing support as we get through this crisis, together.


Todd Steiner, Founder & Executive Director