Photo by Ron Wooten
Single-use plastic has a devastating impact on our environment, our ocean, and ultimately—human health. We invite all businesses and individuals to be part of the The Final Straw Galveston movement to eliminate a source of single-use plastic, starting with straws.
Why Straws?
Americans use over 390 million straws every day, and the average lifespan for a straw is 30 minutes. Straws take from 200-500 years to decompose and continue to be a threat to wildlife as they photo-degrade into microplastics.
Plastic pollution—like single-use plastic straws—impact critically endangered sea turtles at every stage of their life:
- Hatchlings are blocked by debris as they emerge from their nests on the beach;
- Sea turtles drown from becoming entangled in discarded plastic bags, nets, fishing line;
- Sea turtles unintentionally consume plastic in the open ocean when they mistake single use plastic bags for jellyfish, and brightly colored plastics as plant material.
To prevent another sea turtle from becoming victim to plastic, we must make personal lifestyle alterations to fight for these species.
What We’re Doing
As part of the worldwide movement to eliminate a source of single-use plastic straws, we are encouraging restaurants and bars in the Galveston area to only provide straws on request and to use reusable or paper straws.
To ensure a successful transition, Turtle Island’s Gulf team will provide resources for individuals and businesses to end their use of plastic straws, including the options to purchase reusable straws.
On March 1, at the urging of environmental groups, the City Council and City of Galveston unanimously passed a resolution encouraging restaurants to withhold plastic straws unless customers specifically ask for them. The resolution also encourages businesses to offer straws made of paper, plant fiber, or other material more biodegradable than plastic.
The following Galveston businesses have already pledged to go plastic-straw-free:
What You Can Do:
- Register your business for The Final Straw Galveston
- Use our resources to make the switch to reusable straws
- Only offer straws by request
- Take the pledge to end your use of plastic straws
- Let waitstaff know ahead of time you don’t want a straw
- Purchase environmentally-friendly straws and carry them with you
- Encourage restaurants to participate in The Final Straw Galveston
- Show your support for registered restaurants
- Tell your friends to do the same. Spread the word! #thefinalstrawgalveston