Our Programs

Gulf of Mexico

Our sea turtle action center in Galveston, Texas protects sea turtles, sharks, marine mammals, and seabirds from myriad threats like industrial overfishing, destruction of coastal and riverine habitat, and the threat of climate change from fossil fuel projects.

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We protect and restore populations of endangered sea turtles and marine biodiversity on the Texas coast and throughout the Gulf of Mexico.

What We Do

Response & Rescue

Texas Nest Counts

iSeaTurtle App

Conservation & Education Center

Beach Monitoring

The Truth About the Barrier

Oil & Gas Exploitation

Bring the Bag

Balloon Busting Crew

The Final Straw

Adopt A Block

Microplastics Research

Monofilament Recycling

Hold On To Your Butt

Art Installments

Turtles About Town

Group Beach Cleanups


Reusable Foodware System

Hatchling Hustle

Art of Saving Sea Turtles

Why It Matters

  • The Gulf of Mexico is home to 5 species of endangered sea turtle, including the Kemp’s ridley
  • The Kemp’s ridley is the Texas state sea turtle and the smallest and most critically endangered sea turtle species
  • Kemp’s ridleys nest along the Texas and Mexico shoreline
  • The Kemp’s ridley population today is a fraction of the population recorded in the 1940s
  • Nesting habitat is being lost to sea level rise, erosion, and urbanization 
  • Over 90% of the U.S. oil and gas production occurs in the Gulf of Mexico

What You Can Do

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