Critical habitat for central California’s endangered coho salmon is disappearing from residential and commercial development.
Millions of dollars are being expended by federal, state, and local government agencies, non-profit organizations and community members in studies, monitoring, and habitat restoration activities. Simultaneously, new threats emerge from increased development pressures on privately owned parcels of land, especially along the critically important riparian habitat. Yet, virtually no effort is currently underway to purchase remaining undeveloped parcels in the headwaters region or to create conservation easements to protect riparian habitat on these private parcels. Through our land acquisition process, SPAWN purchases lands that have strategic conservation values and works to ensure that all acquired land is properly stewarded and maintained. Every land transaction supports the vision of an interconnected, permanently protected scenic and natural area among the villages of the San Geronimo Valley, hosting a diversity of native plants and wildlife, and maintaining the rural character of the valley. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit and non-governmental organization, SPAWN can offer a conservation easement and tax benefits for landowners who wish to preserve their properties. If you, or someone you know, are interested in selling or donating a property to SPAWN’s land acquisition program, or if you would like more information on the acquisition program, please click here or email