When you shop with Stream2Sea and use our coupon code ‘seaturtle’, you will receive 10% off your order and a portion of the proceeds goes toward our work protecting sea turtles!
Do you know about the Charitable IRA Rollover? This may be a great way for you to help Turtle Island Restoration Network now.
Give just $5 a month or more and make a major impact for ocean wildlife! Setting up a recurring monthly gift is simple and you’ll receive an organic cotton cap with the Turtle Island Restoration Network logo.
Wild Ocean Society members show their support for Turtle Island Restoration Network’s campaigns to protect marine animals and their habitats through leadership gifts of $1,000 or more. Consider joining today, and receive benefits that will connect you actively to the oceans and to Turtle Island’s work.
Make a donation to Turtle Island Restoration Network in honor or memory of a loved one, or give a one-year gift membership. Celebrate a birthday, anniversary or holiday, share a memory or say thank you today with by making a tax-deductible donation to support sea turtles and other marine wildlife.
Many employers match their employees’ tax-deductible gifts to organizations they care about. Click here for a partial list of employers that will match your gift.
Donate your car, boat, motorcycle or RV to Turtle Island Restoration Network. To arrange a pickup nationwide, or learn more, call 866-392-4483 toll free and spend a few minutes with a customer service representative – it’s as simple as that.
Stocks and mutual funds can be a highly effective gift to help sea turtles.This is an especially good way to help if you hold investments that have increased in value, and if sold, would trigger a considerable capital gains tax.
Consider making a bequest,a life income gift, or other planned gift to Turtle Island Restoration Network and support ocean conservation work through your estate.