The last 2008 Kemp’s ridley nest found on the Texas coast was marked by hatchlings coming from a nest on Bolivar Peninsula no one had seen before trying to get…
The high powered PR firm hired by the oyster company operating inside one of the Bay Area’s prized jewels, Point Reyes National Seashore, has made quite an effort in the last few days to generate alarming news headlines by twisting the facts in the 50 page Inspector General’s (IG) report for its paying client, Drakes Bay Oyster Company.
The Salmon Protection and Watershed Network (SPAWN), with funding from the Marin Community Foundation, has launched its Stormwater Catchment & Water Conservation Initiative for Marin County residences and businesses.
The simple idea behind the program is to collect and store rainwater in the wet winter months and use it for irrigating gardens, lawns and landscaping in the dry spring and summer months.
More than 20 prominent investigators from the Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador and the United States, experts on the biology, conservation and management of marine turtles,…
SACRAMENTO, CA – The California Legislature today adopted Assemblyman Mark Leno’s Assembly Joint Resolution (AJR) 62 opposing federal proposals to permit swordfish longline fishing in vital sea turtle habitat off the California coast. The resolution specifically requests that the National Marine Fishery Service (NMFS)- the federal agency responsible for managing the nation’s fisheries-deny or delay consideration of new West Coast fishing permits for swordfish until critical habitat is designated for the Pacific leatherback and ongoing studies determine if the Pacific loggerhead should be up-listed from “threatened” to “endangered” are completed. REGIONAL: BAY AREA LEGISLATURES PASS RESOLUTION URGING PROTECTION OF ENDANGERED SEA TURTLES The California Legislature adopted a resolution today opposing federal proposals to permit longline swordfish fishing in endangered…
The rising cost of fuel is shifting the tide for marine biodiversity in a way that few politicians have had the courage to do. The past few years have produced…
The nesting season for the endangered Kemp’s ridley is over. A remarkable total of 192 nests were found along the Texas coast compared to 128 in 2007. This is the fifth consecutive year for nesting increases. Nests were found from Boca Chica Beach near the Mexican border to Bolivar Peninsula and beaches in between. The first leatherback nest in 30 years was found as well as a loggerhead nest on the Padre Island National Seashore where 91 of the 192 ridley nests were documented. Three green turtle nests were also found this year. The public is invited to witness the release of Kemp’s ridley hatchlings at the Padre Island National Seashore. Anyone interested can call 361-949-7163 for dates of the public releases.
The nesting season of the endangered Kemp’s ridley sea turtles has drawn to a close in a remarkable fashion. Records show that 190 Kemp’s ridley nests have been confirmed on…
More than 80 participants attended the meeting organised by the Madang People’s Forum and attended by community representatives from Manus, Kairiru island, New Ireland, Bagabag Island, Karkar Island, Riwo, Gildiasi, Rai Coast, and the statement was also endorsed by representatives of the Ramu River Authority, Simil Hondulwa Evangelical Alliance of PNG, New Ireland Students Association of University of Technology, Sea Turtle Restoration Project, Alemewo Foundation, the Catholic Church, Madang Rehabilitation and presented from Vanuatu, Porgera, plus observers from surrounding community based organisations, school teachers and students.