Every winter, the Lagunitas Creek Watershed awaits the southernmost remaining run of wild, Central California Coast coho to migrate back home with the first rainfall. As more rain falls, salmon…
The salmon spawning season is always a long-awaited period of wildlife spotting within the Lagunitas Creek Watershed. As the California Coastal coho salmon are critically endangered, efforts to monitor this…
Last month, Turtle Island Restoration Network, along with other leading environmental, community, and other groups sent a letter to Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland to direct the National Park…
Leer en inglés. Para publicación inmediata, 10 de septiembre de 2021 Contacto: Mariano Castro, Turtle Island Restoration Network, mcastro@seaturtles.org Anuncio en el ‘New York Times’ insta a los presidentes de…
For Immediate Release, August 31, 2021 Contacts: Elizabeth Purcell, Turtle Island Restoration Network, elizabeth@seaturtles.org Gayathra Bandara, Earthlanka, gayathracharukabandara.aldeniyagodagedara@ugent.be Sudarsha De Silva, Earthlanka, sudarsha30384@gmail.com Sri Lankan Nonprofit Awarded Funding to Protect…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 26, 2021 Contacts: Kimber De Salvo Anderson, Turtle Island Restoration Network, kanderson@seaturtles.org Rob Glover, Galveston Surf Rider, hotyb@galveston.surfrider.org Cigarette Butler Canisters Installed in Galveston for the…
Turtle Island Restoration Network (TIRN) held the Summer Sea Turtle Sustainability Grant Contest this summer to offer nonprofit organizations emergency funds to help protect endangered sea turtles in the United…
Press Release: 21 June 2021 Tiger Shark Makes Historic Journey From the Galapagos Marine Reserve to Cocos Island National Park Discovery highlights need to create a marine “superhighway” connecting the two…
For Immediate Release, June 4, 2021 Contact: Mariano Castro, mcastro@seaturtles.org, +506 8841 7684 Costa Rica Urged to Protect Endangered Shark Species COSTA RICA—More than 90 global conservation…
Turtle Island Restoration Network (TIRN) signed a petition with over 400 environmental justice, conservation, public health, and social justice organizations to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The petition called for…