Time has flown by! After 10 weeks, Phase 1 of our Tocaloma Restoration Project is complete—that is for the earthmoving, hauling, and wood installation. Now the revegetation and monitoring begins,…
One of the partner schools for our 10,000 Redwoods program is Marin Academy. Each year in January, teachers and students at the schools we’ve partnered with sow redwood seeds and care…
During a workshop in February 2017, we created a pollinator garden in SPAWN’s Nursery. All plants in this garden provide pollen and nectar to native bees and other local pollinators,…
For the past 6 months I’ve worked at SPAWN as the Native Plant Nursery Intern. As my time here comes to an end, it’s amazing to look back at everything…
This month, we’re highlighting Jack Sherwood for our volunteer spotlight! Jack has been volunteering with our Salmon Protection and Watershed Network (SPAWN) native plant nursery for eight months.
During the summer of 2014, SPAWN staff, interns, and numerous volunteers spent many hours building a cattle exclusion fence on the McIssac Ranch located adjacent to our office on the Golden Gate National Recreation Area in Olema.