For Immediate Release, November 23, 2024 Contact: Todd Steiner, 415-488-7652, tsteiner@tirn.net Ayano Hayes, ahayes@tirn.net Coho and Chinook Salmon Spawning in Marin County Recent Atmospheric River Rain-Storm Bring Endangered Salmon Back…
Every winter, the Lagunitas Creek Watershed awaits the southernmost remaining run of wild, Central California Coast coho to migrate back home with the first rainfall. As more rain falls, salmon…
The salmon spawning season is always a long-awaited period of wildlife spotting within the Lagunitas Creek Watershed. As the California Coastal coho salmon are critically endangered, efforts to monitor this…
The SPAWN restoration nursery, seaturtles.org/nursery, grew out of the desire to restore creek habitat for coho salmon by utilizing local genetic stock of native plants that were not available in…
SPAWN will be holding Creek Walks again this winter and dates and times are now available for registration! We will look for these majestic fish together within the redwood forest and…
Written by Preston Brown, Photos Courtesy of the Klamath River Renewal Corporation Roughly 350 miles north of Lagunitas Creek in northern California, the largest dam removal project to-date in the…
A group of 25 volunteers joined us from The Pasha Group, a transportation business headquartered in San Rafael, to help remove invasive plants from our Tocaloma floodplain restoration site on…