Preserving and protecting Lagunitas Creek habitat – California Coho Salmon’s most important watershed.

The Lagunitas Creek Watershed that runs through Marin County, California has been identified as the most important spawning and rearing habitat left in the State for wild Coho salmon, yet critical habitat is disappearing from residential and commercial development.

Millions of dollars are being expended by federal, state and local government agencies, non-profit organizations and community members in studies, monitoring, and habitat restoration activities. Simultaneously, new threats constantly emerge from increased development pressures on privately owned parcels of land, especially along the critically important riparian habitat.

Yet, virtually no effort is currently underway to purchase remaining undeveloped parcels in the headwaters region or to create conservation easements to protect riparian habitat on these private parcels.

Help us acquire critical parcels and land easements.



Riparian Shrubs for Bird Habitat

| 2024, California, Native Plant Nursery, Native Plant Resources | No Comments

2023-24 Creekwalk Tour Season

| 2024, Creekwalk Tours, Salmon, Uncategorized | No Comments
Every winter, the Lagunitas Creek Watershed awaits the southernmost remaining run of wild, Central California Coast coho to migrate back home with the first rainfall. As more rain falls, salmon…

2023-24 San Geronimo Tributary Adult Spawner Update

| 2024, Creekwalk Tours, Salmon, Uncategorized | No Comments
The salmon spawning season is always a long-awaited period of wildlife spotting within the Lagunitas Creek Watershed. As the California Coastal coho salmon are critically endangered, efforts to monitor this…