In 2016 NOAA Fisheries found that a petition filed by turtle island restoration network and 13 other conservation organizations presented substantial scientific and other information that the Pacific Bluefin tuna should be listed under the endangered species act.
Following a change in administrations, today NOAA reversed course and ruled that an ESA listing was “Not Warranted.” NOAA Fisheries agreed with turtle island and other petitioners that commercial overfishing posed the “greatest risk” to the Pacific Bluefin tuna, and that 82% of Bluefin tuna were caught before they could reproduce. Even though it flies in the face of its own findings, NOAA ruled, without further public comment, not to list the Bluefin tuna as endangered or even threatened under the ESA.
“The Trump Administration’s war on the oceans has just launched another hand grenade—one that hastens the extirpation of Bluefin tuna from US waters and ultimately hurts fishing communities and our food supply,” said Todd Steiner, biologist and Executive Director of Turtle Island Restoration Network.
You can review the NOAA Fisheries notice of 12-month finding here.