Report Highlights Dangers of Sand Mining Project in Papua New Guinea

By May 19, 2023May 26th, 2023other locations

Papua New Guinea finds itself in the middle of the growing sand mining industry. With limited oversight at the moment, the effects of increased sand mining will be felt with catastrophic events on the environment, and more. The country is also host to a TIRN-funded project to campaign leatherback nesting beaches, with the project aiming to save these beaches from sand mining. The project is directed by Wences Magun, founder of Mas Kagin Tapani Association, and a former Papua New Guinea TIRN staffer.

A recent report focused on the Orokolo Bay Sand Mining Project in Papua New Guinea, and highlighted the environmental implications of the project. Located in an area of high biodiversity, the project will be devastating to the environment in the area and the organisms that call the area home. As a result of the project, the habitat in these sensitive areas will be destroyed.

Sand mining projects that have occurred throughout the world have shown the effects can be severe. Papua New Guinea will be next to be witness to the devastation that can occur as a result of the sand mining industry if these projects are allowed to continue.

As mentioned in the report, strong sand mining policy and strong oversight from proper government entities can help deter the destruction of the environment in the nation and provide protection for the biodiversity that calls the nation home. To read the report in its entirety, please click here.