The Sea Turtle Restoration Project is partnering with the Oceans movie release and leading actions to protect and save sea turtles on their website and on the Save My Oceans campus tour. Join us in taking the Oceans Pledge to 1) stop using disposable plastic bags and bottles, 2) stop eating endangered sea life, and 3) reducing your carbon footprint. These actions all contribute to saving sea turtles! Sea turtles choke on plastics, are captured and killed on swordfish and tuna fishing boats, and are losing nesting beaches due to global warming.
Only by taking personal direct action will we begin to turn around the current destruction of sea turtles and their ocean habitat. With our work at the Save My Oceans Tour stop we will spread these important messages and have fun doing it! Get involved! We can use your help at the UC Berkeley tour stop, which includes a recycled materials art installation, a concert featuring the Cold War Kids, and an advanced screening of Oceans. We’ll be activating college students to get on board with critical habitat for the leatherback sea turtle, stop the fossil fuel frenzy on Australian sea turtle nesting beaches, and cultivate a new generation of ocean advocates. If you can volunteer to help at UC Berkeley April 17 or April 20-22 for any of the events, please contact Chris Pincetich at chris at tirn dot net
Ask Costa Rica to Protect the Cocos-Galapagos Swimway