Successful Events in the Gulf Provide Big Impact

Turtle Island Restoration Network has had an office in the Gulf for years, and this year proved to be an effective one. Through different outreach events, the team in the Gulf–along with hard working volunteers and more–provided an impact.

Here are some of the amazing numbers so far from this year:

  • 599 participants received a message regarding reduction of single use plastic products, microplastics, nurdles and trash in our watershed, bay and Gulf
  • 472 pounds of trash removed from the beach, 126 balloons and 15,000 (!) cigarette butts
  • During demonstrations on sand processing for microplastics, 139 pieces of microplastics were found in the density separator demonstration
  • 263 nurdle patrols completed, 1,149 nurdles collected

Here are some images from the past few months from the different events!