In September 2017, Turtle Island Restoration Network (TIRN) purchased a new truck to help our team with projects around the San Francisco Bay Area, like habitat restoration, project maintenance, biological monitoring, and educational events. The 2000 Ford F150 will help carry trees, plants, tool, irrigation equipment, soil, event supplies, and water.
Occasionally, we hold staff meetings in the back of the truck.
“This is a reliable truck,” said Preston Brown, TIRN’s Director of Watershed Conservation. “Our staff doesn’t have to receive special training to drive it, and it gives us a lot of autonomy to visit projects.”
So far, the truck doesn’t have a name, but we’re open to suggestions.
We want to thank the members of our Salmon Protection and Watershed Network (SPAWN) program. Their contributions go toward general care and maintenance of the truck, which ultimately helps us complete important environmental projects.
Do you want to make a tax-deductible donation to the SPAWN program of Turtle Island Restoration Network? Click here to support restoration, education and advocacy efforts to protect and restore wild coho salmon in West Marin.