Turtle Island Restoration Network joined a growing collection of environmental  groups who are sending a letter asking President Obama to permanently protect all unleased federal waters from offshore oil and gas leasing.

Given that Trump is all about “drill, baby, drill” — we need a bold move from President Obama to prevent the next administration from massive expansion of offshore oil and gas leasing. It’s the best way to prevent climate disaster and to stop dirty fossil fuel development from harming our oceans and polluting our air and water.


Section 12(a) of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act gives Obama the authority to “withdraw from disposition any of the unleased lands of the Outer Continental Shelf,” which provides no pathway for future presidents to undo what is intended to be a lasting action. President Eisenhower used this same provision more than 50 years ago to permanently protect more than 75 square miles of coral reefs along the Florida Keys.

Learn more about protecting sea turtles from oil and gas drilling by clicking here.