Seems that many people I meet, whether at a conference, on a hike, on a sunset cruise or a random encounter, have had a sea turtle experience. I just returned…
The Houston Zoo held Earth Day on April 19 and 20. The table assigned to Sea Turtle Restoration Project was always surrounded by children who made sea animal stencils on…
Rising sea-levels are eroding the nesting sites and diverting leatherback turtles from their traditional sites and moving them to other sites. In June 2007 during one of my field trips…
Long Beach –The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)—the federal agency responsible for managing the nation’s fisheries—announced today that they are moving forward with a plan to open a new longline fishery for swordfish in vital sea turtle habitat off the California and Oregon coast
“For many years of advocacy and work to benefit the water quality of Marin’s watersheds and streams that benefit both fish habitat and the community at large.” Speech Given at MCL Annual…
Tomorrow night on April 25, we will be sailing San Francisco Bay on the Adventure Cat, a locally owned and crewed catamaran. We are delighted to have been invited on…
ConsumerWatch conducted mercury tests on about 50 pieces of sushi and fillets found in local stores, and found just how high the levels are. The reporters tested higher than normal…
The Seafood Industry has waged a legal battle against Prop 65 labeling advisories to alert consumers about potentially harmful Mercury in Seafood, citing Mercury as naturally occurring in our ocean’s…
Assembly Resolution AJR57 was introduced on April 17, 2008, and will be voted on during this years legislative session. We urge you to view the legislation and support this effort…
While online the other day, I came across this fascinating—albeit abit geeky—video on Leatherback turtle biology presented by Dr. Scott Eckert, Ph.D. a Scientist from Duke University interested in Marine…