Carole Allen, Gulf Office Director of Turtle Island Restoration Network, and Joanie Steinhaus, Campaign Director of the Turtle Island Restoration Network Galveston Office, attended the 2nd International Kemp’s Ridley Sea…
Carole Allen, Gulf Office Director of Turtle Island Restoration Network, and Joanie Steinhaus, Campaign Director of the Turtle Island Restoration Network Galveston Office, attended the 2nd International Kemp’s Ridley Sea…
Environmental groups are suing the National Marine Fisheries Service to protect bigeye tuna that they say are being over-fished.
Conservation groups sued the National Marine Fisheries Service today over a new rule allowing the Hawaii-based longline fleet to fish beyond limits set by international agreements meant to protect bigeye tuna and other imperiled marine species.
Turtle Island signed on to an open letter addressed to Washington Governor Inslee’s commending him for his leadership on ocean acidification, and also addressed to the Department of Ecology asking that they follow suit and also take action on ocean acidification.
Turtle Island signed onto a letter to President Obama in August urging action to save the critically endangered vaquita—the smallest porpoise species found only in the northern waters of the Gulf…
Zephyr Sylvester joined SPAWN Habitat Restoration as an intern in October. She grew up in a small town in Vermont near Dartmouth College. She graduated with a degree in Biology and Environmental Studies from Whitman College located in Walla Walla, Wash. in 2013.
Fresh out of college, Allie Chavez joined the SPAWN team of Habitat Restoration Interns this past August. With a degree in Biology from the University of California, Santa Cruz, Allie is applying her studies through hands-on experience in the field.
“It’s the most incredible underwater place I’ve ever been,” says Todd Steiner, executive director of the California-based Sea Turtle Restoration Project. “It’s a superhighway of giant animals — like the plains of Africa, only underwater.”
Scientists from the United States and Mexico will congregate in Brownsville starting Tuesday to discuss an unexpected setback for the official Texas sea turtle, which had been making a remarkable recovery from near extinction.
Turtle Island Restoration Network (SeaTurtles.Org) is teaming up with Surfrider’s Galveston Chapter and Clean Galveston to encourage residents and tourists to ‘Bring the Bag’ and reduce single-use plastic bag pollution in Galveston, Texas.