Whoever said turtles were slow clearly never met Gina the green sea turtle. Between February 1 and February 22, Gina, a juvenile sea turtle originally captured in Cocos Island Marine…
A constructive alliance has been forged, bringing the San Geronimo Golf Course and the Salmon Protection and Watershed Network together to improve natural habitat in the creeks that cross through…
Marin’s fish will be the beneficiaries of $1 million in state grants that will be used to improve creek habitat, including in the San Geronimo Golf Course. West Marin’s Salmon…
Today is our last day of diving and we got up a little early to be sure to squeeze in three full dives, and have time to take photos and enjoy each others company in this paradise. I had the good fortunate of having a curious Galapagos Shark check me out on the first dive, and on the second the chance to swim amidst a school of large benitos. Mark even tagged a Galapagos! Beautiful everywhere you look.
Conservation groups are taking a hard look at Gov. Bobby Jindal’s environmental record in advance of his expected campaign announcement in June[1]. Turtle Island Restoration Network published an op-ed this week in the Houston Chronicle highlighting how Jindal has failed to protect the endangered sea turtles in his home state of Louisiana.
A new study published this week in Conservation Biology (available here) investigates Costa Rica’s ability to adequately enforce and protect it’s crown jewel of marine protected areas (MPAs) – Cocos Island National Park – from illegal longline fishing.
Submit a photo of yourself, including your reason for protecting wild coho, with the tag #savemarinscoho and have your voice heard! You are a face of change in our coho…
For those of us who have been lucky enough to watch a giant sea turtle lumber ashore and lay her eggs, or seen baby hatchlings scamper out of their nest…
Watch this volunteer video to learn more about opportunities with Turtle Island. It was beautifully put together by Shane Cooney a student at Sir Francis Drake High School. Email catie@tirn.net…
Meet Rej a Salmon Institute teacher! The 2015-2016 school year brings continued expansion of watersheds education for my 4th grade students at Hesperian Elementary. Hesperian Elementary is a designated Title…