onservacionistas están pidiendo a la comunidad internacional incrementar la protección de tiburones bajo la Comisión Inter Americana de Atún Tropical (CIAT)*, que celebrará su reunión anual la próxima semana en el Sur de California.
The ghost town of Jewell located in West Marin was once a tourist destination, but is now abandoned and in disarray. The houses are old and dilapidated, and impacting the nearby creek ecosystem that is home to the last remaining run of endangered Central California Coastal coho salmon. SPAWN is working to restore the 1-mile area back to its natural state.
Turtle Island Restoration Network and Kurmalliance, our partners in Southern California, were honored to be featured in Mantra Magazine for our work to phase our deadly California driftnets. Pick up the magazine at Whole Foods and health stores nationwide.
SPAWN is hard at work restoring the abandoned Readimix concrete plant on Black Mountain Ranch. The goal of the project is to restore the existing parking area back into a natural riparian forest, one that existed before the cement plant was built.
Bob read a SPAWN newsletter calling for volunteers to work in the creeks assisting biologists with monitoring the juvenile salmon as they migrate to the sea, and called that day to learn how to help.
This spring, coinciding with the sea turtle nesting season, Galveston, Texas is experiencing extreme amounts of rainfall. But despite the storm conditions, Turtle Island Restoration Network and our team of volunteers are patrolling the beaches of the upper Texas coast to help protect endangered Kemp’s ridley sea turtles.
Watch a video of a sea turtle nesting! The Kemp’s ridley sea turtle nesting range is from Tamaulipas, Mexico to Bolivar, Texas. Females will nest one to three times during the nesting season from April to July with an average clutch size of 100 eggs.
Top 3 Reasons You Should Take a Stand to Protect Salmon
Image and Information http://www.salmonnation.com/fish/images/137species_poster_web.pdf Facts http://conservationmagazine.org/2008/07/a-good-fish-for-the-wine/ http://www.mhhe.com/Enviro-Sci/CaseStudyLibrary/Topic-Based/CaseStudy_WhyTreesNeedSalmon.pdf https://www.nps.gov/glba/learn/nature/upload/Gende%20et%20al_Pacific%20salmon%20in%20aquatic%20and%20terrestrial%20ecosystems.pdf Harlequin Duck Osprey Bald Eagle Caspian Tern Northern River Otter Killer Whale Pacific Giant Salamander Pacific Coast Aquatic Garter Snake Red-throated Loon …
New data from George Mason University has revealed that shark meat sold in San Jose and Heredia food markets contain high levels of toxic mercury. The levels are so high that three shark species tested exceed U.S. federal health guidelines. Advocates are advising consumers, and especially women and children, to not buy shark due to risks to human health.