new study by scientists from the University of Miami has found high concentrations of toxins linked to the development of Alzheimer’s disease in the fins and muscles of 10 species of sharks. This latest research combined with data on high levels of mercury in shark meat and fins is adding to a growing body of evidence that eating shark poses serious human health risks. Turtle Island Restoration Network ( and leading shark conservationists are calling on consumers to not eat shark for their health and for ecological reasons.

This infographic shows the steps we can take to help ensure that sea turtles remain a part of our planet even in the face of climate change.

SPAWN is in need of gardening tools for future restoration events. Do you have extra gardening supplies you can donate?

Turtle Island’s newest report examines the impact of climate change on sea turtle populations. This inforgraphic highlights key points from the report visually.

“Thousands of Turtle Island Restoration Network members wrote personal letters to President Obama calling on him to use his executive powers to protect both Hawaii’s cultural historical and ecological heritage. We are thrilled that the world’s largest protected area is in the United States and that it will better protect all of the endangered and threatened sea turtles that use these waters.”

Thousands of Turtle Island members took time to write personal letters to President Obama urging him to further protect one of crown Jewell of Hawaii -Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument. Today President Barack Obama expanded Hawaii’s Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, making it the largest protected area on Earth!

SPAWN’s native plant nursery is undergoing changes this month to prepare for the demolition of abandoned buildings on the National Park Service property. The abandoned buildings are being torn down next week as part of a joint plan with the Point Reyes National Seashore to restore the floodplain and habitat back to its natural state.

Turtle Island asked you to take action and tell the California Coastal Commission that the public needs more time to consider the proposed amendment to Marin’s Local Coastal Plan. The response was overwhelming, and heard by commissioners who on August 11th decided to extend the deadline for action on Marin County’s proposed Local Coastal Program!
Get video updates on our campaign to protect silky sharks from our International Director Randall Arauz, who visited Guatemala and Dominican Republic to talk shark protection with officials.

A recently released poll commissioned by the Pew Charitable Trusts supports what Turtle Island has been saying for a while: a healthy majority of Californians support banning driftnet fishing off…