Contacts: Preston Brown, Director of Watershed Conservation, 303-877-0880
Todd Steiner, Executive Director, 415-488-7652
SPAWN has completed removing Roy’s Dam and Roy’s Pools that were obstacles to salmon migration and replaced them with Roy’s Riffles! We completed this year’s work safely and on schedule.
The newly created creek-bed is functioning just as designed, with waters moving through at the very low “drought” condition flows (0.2 cubic-feet-per-second) we experienced just a couple of weeks ago. It has also been engineered to withstand flows up to 2,000 cubic-feet-per-second, anticipated during the largest 100-year storm event.
The contractors have now removed the screen on the fence and everyone can see what has been accomplished. The screen was placed on the fence because the heavy equipment operators were working right below the creek crossing at San Geronimo Valley Drive and were concerned for the safety of the folks who gathered there to watch. As boulders were being placed there was potential for stone chips to fly off and injure spectators. In addition the operators found the viewers a distraction to their work and personal safety. The curtain also was a partial barrier to dust created during demolition.
For now, all the heavy equipment work is complete. In early December, the new bridge will arrive and will be lowered on the new bridge footings by crane. This operation should take about a week.
We have begun re-planting the site with native species from our nursery and we are excited to see the willow cuttings already sprouting! Planting operations by hand will continue all winter.
If you are interested in helping, please join our mailing list to learn of upcoming dates. Unfortunately, the opportunity for volunteers to participate and public tours will continue to be limited by coronavirus and will be dictated by Marin County rules on gatherings, but we will do our best to accommodate everyone interested in being part of this historic restoration.