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More Turtle Sightings Off the Golden Gate

By Sea Turtles

Saturday marked the third reported sighting of a Pacific Leatherback sea turtle in northern California waters in the last four weeks. These majestic creatures are rarely seen this far north although this species of sea turtle swims in many regions of the world including colder, northern and southern latitudes.

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Early leatherback nests in Caletas, Costa Rica

By Sea Turtles

(San JosĆ©, Costa Rica) Sept. 8, 2003 ā€“ Typically, the Leatherback sea turtle nesting season on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica begins in late October. PRETOMA is proud to announce that a young, lone Leatherback got the season off to an early start on the night of September 2, 2003 by laying likely its first nest at Playa Caletas on the north central Pacific coast of Costa Rica.

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