Founded in 1989, Turtle Island Restoration Network is a leading advocate for the world’s oceans and marine wildlife. From the waters of California to the Gulf coast of Texas, TIRN focuses on grassroots empowerment, hands-on restoration, and environmental education while also promoting sustainable marine policies and inspiring consumer change. For 35 years, our efforts have safeguarded sea turtles and inspired the public to join us in our conservation efforts through education, outreach, classroom visits, and habitat protection efforts.

To further our reach and expand our impact, TIRN seeks to launch the Conservation and Education Center in Galveston, Texas. By expanding our capacity, we will improve access to environmental education and inspire our community to participate in conservation efforts aimed at protecting sea turtles and other marine species. Together, we will bring and sustain marine conservation and education to the Texas community and its visitors each year.

Responding to Environmental and Community Needs

A Vision for the Future of Education, Advocacy, and Action

Transformative Classroom Experiences and Engaging Presentations—delivering interactive science programs designed for various age groups, fostering enthusiasm for sea turtles, marine ecosystems, and conservation. Aligned with the educational standards of the state of Texas.

  • Community-Based Action Projects: Working with parents and teachers to develop engaging programs, including beach clean ups, civic involvement, fishing line recycling, and reduction of single-use plastics.
  • Career-Building Internships: Mentoring college students and recent graduates through an immersive internship program, preparing them to tackle the most pressing conservation issues of our time.
  • Volunteer Opportunities: Adult volunteer engagement and leading programming opportunities 
  • Programs: Programs that invite the community to get involved in conservation through stimulating guest speakers, art, film and new technology
  • Event Space: Meeting and event space that can be used by nonprofits, community groups, and schools

Invest in the Preservation of Endangered Marine Life and the Oceans That Sustain Them

Join our campaign to raise $1 Million in support of the Conservation and Education Center today. Your support will:

  • Increase the reach and effectiveness of our ocean education and
    advocacy programs
  • Ensure the long-time infrastructure support needed to continue to execute
    our mission
  • Symbolize your lasting commitment to marine conservation and to
    inspiring future generations to protect our waterways and oceans

TIDE Campaign Quick Facts

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TIDE Naming Opportunities

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Future Ocean Conservation and Education Center

TIRN’s future Gulf of Mexico Conservation and Education Center, located at 1028 Broadway Street, Galveston, TX, is a 3,100 square foot building sharing a main thoroughfare with other tourist attractions including the Moody Mansion, Galveston Children’s Museum and the 1892 Bishops Palace. Located just a few blocks from the ocean, it is also a convenient short walk to the beach where outdoor educational activities can take place.

“If we are going to leave a healthy planet for our children, grandchildren and future generations, we must provide the space to allow the start of a major shift away from the current paradigm of how the human species views its relationship with our environment.” – Todd Steiner, Founder

Through donor recognition opportunities, we will honor the commitment of our most generous supporters to this campaign. For more information about naming opportunities, please contact Eleni Gast at