The rain gave us yet another break as we tackled buried blackberry roots on the far side of Roy’s Pools. Lively discussions and jokes filled the air as our valued…
For many people, their most tangible connection to the ocean is through their dinner plate. Thankfully, many people have learned that their choices of what to eat are not a…
Another sunny Saturday! The nice weather brought out many new (and very old) volunteers of all ages for an exciting day of restoration. We worked diligently to uncover the buried…
KTLA in Los Angeles recently conducted tests on seafood products being sold in grocery stores and restaurants with some alarming results. In one case, the swordfish from a local grocery…
About 25 sea turtle symposium delegates gathered to share concerns about the growing number of port expansions and increased shipping traffic in sea turtle habitat around the world at a…

Recently released data from National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) indicates Hawaii’s tuna longliners’ bycatch rose dramatically in 2008. It is estimated more than 60 dolphins and whales were caught in 2008, a 50% increase from the 40 caught the year before, including such species as Risso’s and spotted dolphins, short-finned pilot whales, and false killer whales.
Sea turtle biologists, advocates, beach monitors, and experts from around the world were officially welcomed tonight along the banks of the Brisbane River to the 29th International Symposium on Sea…
CBS5 reporter Sue Kwon conducted her own mercury experiment by eating a can of tuna for 20 days straight. See the concerning results of Kwon’s blood mercury levels after just…
One of the most disturbing changes that the former administration tried to make as they left office would damage the Endangered Species Act severely. This last minute law would enable…
Valentines Day brought SPAWN volunteers & friends a short reprieve in the much needed rain that has been filling our creeks and streams! A rainy morning gave way to sun and smiles…