Five years after the devastating Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the Natural Resource Damage Assessment Trustees have announced another milestone in Gulf of Mexico early restoration. The Trustees and BP have identified approximately $134 million in proposed early restoration projects for inclusion in a draft Phase IV Early Restoration Plan.
Despite the legions of lampreys counted and a marked increase in steelhead, SPAWN biologists remain concerned about our native, endangered coho salmon population as few coho smolts have been seen.
Our native plant nursery located at office headquarters is a busy hub of action in the spring. Already SPAWN has transplanted a large number of plants, which we grew from seeds sown last summer and fall. These native plants will be used to restore degraded creekside coho salmon habitat.
National Storage Tank, Inc. has generously donated a 1320 Gallon Low Profile Round Water Storage Tank rain barrel that is installed downstream of SPAWN’s headquarters, at the edge of the floodplain. It will help slow run-off into the creek to prevent erosion, and water it catches off the roof and be used to irrigate native plants.
A 50-foot endangered sperm whale washed ashore this morning at Pacifica Beach located near the town of Pacifica, Calif. Scientists from the Marine Mammal Center and the Academy of Sciences will perform a necropsy on the whale to discover the cause of death, which is currently unknown.
A plan for a small creekside home in Lagunitas drew support from county planners this week despite protests from fishery activists that habitat for endangered coho salmon was at stake….
Meet Kate Gallagher a Salmon Institue Teacher: I am the science teacher at RISE Community School in East Oakland. I teach all 12 classes at our school, from kindergarten through…
A large whale shark became stranded on a beach near Manta, on the coast of Ecuador yesterday. It was first reported by local fishers, swimming close to the shoreline, but eventually became stranded on the beach. Although a team of over 50 volunteers attempted to return it to sea, the whale shark eventually died.
American Airlines came out against the practice of harvesting, selling, distributing, and serving shark fin this morning. In a tweet, the company explained that it has not shipped shark fins since March 4…
American Airlines announced via Twitter Wednesday morning that it no longer accepts shipments of shark fins, which were being transported illegally through the United States.