Critical Habitat Protection Proposed for Green Sea Turtles Including Florida & Hawai’i Nesting Beaches and Offshore Habitat PETERSBURG, FL—In response to a legal agreement with environmental groups, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife…
In Papua New Guinea, there is no international law on sand mining, big companies are attempting to use this to their benefit. Locals, as well as marine wildlife, are feeling…
For Immediate Release, July 30, 2021 Contact: Todd Steiner, Turtle Island Restoration Network, tsteiner@seaturtles.org Rapid Development Threatens Critical Sea Turtle Habitat in Puerto Rico WASHINGTON — Four Congressional Democrats urged…
For Immediate Release, March 1, 2021 Contacts: Wenceslaus Magun, MAKATA, magun.wences@gmail.com Jamie Wilson, Turtle Island Restoration Network, jamie@seaturtles.org Teska Hapig-Ward, Turtle Island Restoration Network, teska@seaturtles.org Company Abandons Controversial Sand Mining…
Out of the different populations of leatherback sea turtles, Pacific leatherbacks are the most at-risk for extinction. Researchers estimate that 90% of the nesting population has declined over the last…
For Immediate Release, August 20, 2020 Contact: Jaclyn Lopez, Center for Biological Diversity, (727) 490-9190, jlopez@biologicaldiversity.org Annalisa Tuel, Turtle Island Restoration Network, (408) 621-8113, ATuel@seaturtles.org Richard Whitecloud, Sea Turtle Oversight…
For Immediate Release, June 16, 2020 Contact: Joanie Steinhaus, Gulf Program Director, joanie@seaturtles.org After Covid-19 Closures, Gulf Beaches Reopen as Sea Turtles Nest GALVESTON, Texas — As Gulf coast beaches…