For Immediate Release: January 29, 2019
SAN RAFAEL—Today the Marin County Board of Supervisors considered a petition for the San Geronimo Valley Golf Course property.
The Salmon Protection and Watershed Network (SPAWN) was in attendance and strongly encourages the County to take the most appropriate action that leads to restoring the ecological functions of the former San Geronimo golf course property and the recovery of critically endangered Coho salmon.
“Restoring floodplains at the former San Geronimo golf course property is the best chance for re-establishing the ecological functions of San Geronimo Creek—all the way to Tomales Bay—that will not only benefit endangered salmon, but will reduce flooding of downstream creekside homes,” said Preston Brown, Watershed Conservation Director of SPAWN. “The conservation and restoration of the San Geronimo golf course land is one of the single-biggest acts we can do to give the critically endangered salmon a fighting chance at recovery.”
Turtle Island Restoration Network is a leading ocean and marine wildlife conservation non-profit. Its program, the Salmon Protection And Watershed Network (SPAWN), protects endangered, wild Coho salmon and the forests and watersheds they need to survive in West Marin County, California. Learn more at
Contact: Preston Brown, Watershed Conservation Director, (303) 877-0880,